Free Career Advice Blog

13 Interview Attire Mistakes That Can Sabotage your Job Search
Job search is all about first impressions. You want your appearance to convey a confident, respectful, professional and prepared job-seeker. Remember, you are ‘on stage’…and

Job Search Excuse: “I Don’t Have a Network”
You’re stuck with your job search. You need to look for a new position, either within your current company, our outside. But you believe you
Video: You are NOT Prepared for Your Interview!- Cut the Crap, Get a Job!
How much time, in hours, are you spending to prepare for that meeting? Not enough. And if your answer is “enough” then double that time.

Selling Skills are Required for ALL Job-Seekers
It’s a new world out there. The job market is much more competitive, hiring managers can’t afford to take risks by hiring the wrong person,
Video: Are You Squishy About Your Job Search Goal? Cut the Crap, Get a Job!
Why do you apply to jobs without having a clear goal? Do you go car shopping without knowing what you want? Do you play a

Job Search – Cut the Crap and Prepare for the Interview
You work so hard to get an informational meeting, a job interview or network meeting that may lead to a job. But how much time,
Video: How to Turn Around Your Job Search Blues
If you say “no”, you’re not frustrated or lost, you are either a great actor or you have an offer in hand. There are 3

Job Search – Stop Using Yellow Sticky Notes for the most Important Project in Your Life
After 30 years of a sales and marketing career in Fortune 500’s, and helping thousands of people get jobs, I continue to be shocked at

8 Job Search E-Mail Rules: Don’t Sabotage Your Career Move
So many steps of your job search are done by e-mail and mistakes CAN cost you the job. Why? Because the reader is determining if