Job Search Master Class Workshop: Résumé Completion
the step-by-step instruction with templates and samples.
with a powerful Résumé for Recruiters, Hiring Teams and Résumé Robots.
your LinkedIn profile so that it matches your Résumé.
What's Inside
Comprehensive video lesson that will walk you through each step of building your the résumé AND show you how to optimize your LinkedIn page as a result.
Learn what makes a résumé good, bad or great, the anatomy of a résumé, and the exact steps to take to enable recruiters to find you on LinkedIn and other job search engines.
The Job Search Master Class® Résumé Template, tools and checklists.
Get access to our PROVEN template along with Résumé Summary and Skill Words Assistance, Résumé Excellence Checklist and Robo-Résumé Training. These templates enable your résumé to get found by the Applicant Tracking System (Résumé Robots) and will impress hiring managers during your interview.

Upon completion you will have a
- Résumé that gets scanned by Résumé Robots, noticed by Recruiters, and desired by Hiring Teams.
- LinkedIn Profile that markets you as the best possible candidate.
- Powerful elevator pitch enabling you to confidently share your story and career goals.
Q: Why is this workshop and résumé template better than the thousands of others on the web?
- It was designed by a seasoned hiring manager, frustrated after decades of reviewing résumés that didn’t differentiate candidates. Dana Manciagli, one of the top 10 job search experts in the country, left her corporate position seven years ago to help job seekers present themselves more effectively to compete for interviews and get offers!
- Dozens of recruiters, hiring managers, and human resources professionals have examined it.
- Well over 1,000 candidates use it for their online applications, networking, career fairs, and LinkedIn profiles. And it garners excellent reviews and results!
- It has been vetted by the “robot” software formulas and is updated continuously as the Application Tracking Software (ATS) algorithm gets smarter.
- You’ll learn the secrets behind the template: search-ability, résumé design, and quantifiable results.
You’ll have support during every step of the Job Search process

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