Private Coaching
Your Coach

Incredible Value – Remarkable Impact on Your Career
Review, in detail, where you are in your job search, ranging from your goal to opportunities you have found, what you have done, and what your challenges are.
You will receive organization tools and new techniques to implement immediately. As an example, we will take one job opportunity and develop your new messaging with a “Candidate Packet.”
For each position, you will learn how to connect with decision-makers who can help you secure interviews. You will be amazed how these new techniques will transform your efforts into results.
Interview role-play, answering the most commonly-asked questions, and how to address gaps or possible areas of concern. You will be more confident and convert your interviews into offers!
Together, we will review each opportunity on your Job Tracker, address the challenges, and develop your networking plan. Dana will provide direct and specific coaching on the steps you can take immediately.
Private Job Search Coaching – Intake Form
I’m so excited to help you land your ideal position in the fastest amount of time possible. The following questions will help both of us so much. All of the following will be kept totally confidential as my business (and values) are based on that.