Free Career Advice Blog

What a Stage 4 Cancer Diagnosis Can Change About Your Career Mindset
This may sound surprising, but battling stage 4 breast cancer has been a blessing in disguise. Facing my own mortality has changed me, both personally and

Negotiating the Terms of A Job Offer: A Call To Action For Companies
Mike is a U.S. Air Force Veteran, recently transitioned out of serving our country to pursue an internet technology (IT) career in the civilian world.

Job and Career Fairs – New FREE Step-by-Step Took Kit
Have you ever said any of these about job or career fairs? ”Job or Career Fairs are a waste of time.” “I’ll just walk around

How to Stay Motivated During Your Job Search
For much of January, the gym in my neighborhood is packed. Eating healthier and exercising are among the top resolutions for 2019 — along with

Why the Coronavirus Pandemic will Lead to More Income Inequality
COVID-19 and its effect on employment is top of mind for job seekers and employers. The labor crisis is affecting millions of people who were

The Military Spouse Employment Plight
Active duty military spouses face a 24% unemployment rate. And over 31% are working part-time even if they would prefer to work full-time. Though it might

College Graduate Employment Will Suffer – Immediately
It doesn’t take an economist to connect the dots. As a result of the coronavirus, we are in a perfect storm to impede college graduates

Get Your “Career Plan B” Going Right Now – FREE Job Tracker to Help
What are you waiting for? Newsflash – Nobody cares about your career as much as you should care. If you don’t take control of your

Don’t Skip the Cover Letter
The importance of a well-crafted cover letter cannot be overstated. A résumé contains the information potential employers need to know about where you’ve worked and